Adam Bricusse


Adam Bricusse was born in London on April 4th 1964, and grew up between Britain, France and the USA. He was educated at St. Martins School of Art (Foundation) and The Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art at Merton College, Oxford, gaining a BFA and an MA. He has been a practicing artist since then, having worked and exhibited globally. Bricusse currently works between studios in London and France. 

Inspired by multi-layered themes with characters drawn from classical and contemporary culture. Samurais versus monsters, modern and retro, ancient and dynamic face-offs between a variety of adversaries set against backdrops of dark mysterious forests, raging seas, angry skies and various beasts, sourced from old B movies to the finest of ancient Japanese drawings and all manner of references.

Bricusse's work is inspired by an eclectic melange of imagery and diverse cultural forces. Incorporating Lovers and Fighters, Animals, Ancient Warriors, Pirates, Gypsies and Circus Freak Show images. Combat and love are common themes, with other- worldly Beasts and Guardians confronting each other in inverted, often mimetic, symmetry. His most recurring and all-encompassing themes "The Reflection of Opposites" and "The Violence of Nature". A never-ending face-off of all the conflicting elements of life, representing love and destruction, violence and passion. 
